
Custom Shriner Fez Case

This Fez Case is custom made for the individual user. It is ultra light weight with superior craftsmanship. We have been designing custom Fez Cases with the input from Shriners since 2015.  The case is made out of red alder wood. We will take your custom designs, pictures, etc., and laser those designs on the individual panels. There is no setup fees or artwork charges for customizing your designs. The base price is $325.00 which includes 3 lasered areas. Any additional areas are $20.00 each. We also offer an inside insert for carrying jewels, flask, etc. That is an additional $35.00. The completed case is sprayed with a sealer and then a lacquer finish. It has a leather handle for carrying. PLEASE contact us in regard to ordering this Custom Fez Case. This fez case is a product that is registered under US Copyright and Trademark Laws. It can not be duplicated. This product is a wonderful gift for a Potentate, and makes a terrific tool for a fundraiser, raffle, etc. THIS PRODUCT IS A CUSTOM MADE PRODUCT. PLEASE EITHER CALL US OR EMAIL US IN REGARD TO ORDERING ITEM.


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